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Behavior and Learning Assistance Program

The Behavior and Learning Assistance Programs were developed by Edmonton Public Schools in response to a demand for the teaching of students who have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist as exhibiting Severe Behavioural Disorders. Programming focuses on helping students to cope with their social, emotional, and academic difficulties. The students are provided with a segregated site that has highly structured behavioural and academic programming designed to improve student's functioning so they may be successfully reintegrated into a mainstream learning group.

Callingwood has two sites; Division I and Division II. Division I accommodates students in grades one to three, and Division II accommodates students in grades four to six. Each employs one full-time teacher and one educational assistant in a structured behaviour program with response-cost incentive programs and instruction in pro social skills, character education and self management. Academic expectations promote individual growth. The classroom utilizes study/time out rooms to accommodate behavioural needs (quiet time, various stages of time out). A breakfast program is available to all students who wish to take part. It is supported by the Home Economists Association of Alberta. The BLA program operates on the condensed day format allowing for constant supervision of students. All families are required to have input into the Individual Program Plan, sign the daily agenda, attend conferences and access therapeutic services as needed.